Python Programming Language For Beginners | Python Full Course Tutorial

Python Programming Language For Beginners | Python Full Course Tutorial

Hey there! you are decided to learn Python Full Course Tutorial that’s awesome let’s start .

So where can we use python? like if you try to building some apps ,analysing data or just explore the word of programming python fantastic place to start it is like a swiss army knife of programming languages. it is beginner friendly as always incredible powerful.

But let’s be real starting something new you can feel little bit of overwhelming. Where do you even begin. Don’t worry I have got your back. We will take it step by step one bite-sized piece at a time. No jargon, no pressure just you me and python.

History of Python

Before we dive deep into the python we can just starts with some history of python . Python watch created by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer .it was in late 1980 ‘s going to wanted to design a language that was easy to read, write and understand . He named python after the British comedy series Monty python’s Fyling circus.

Python was officially released in 1991 and over the years it has grown into one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s simplicity and its credibility have made it a favourite among all beginners. While it’s power and flexibility has its a place in industries like of development data science artificial intelligence and many more.

Fun fact : python’s philosophy is summarize in setup principal called the Zen of Python who is includes gems like:

  1. Readibility counts
  2. Simple is better than complex
  3. There should be one at preferably only one obviously to do it

This principal have guided python’s development and made it easy in the all language today

Why python?
After a little bit of history now your question maybe why python ?why not other languages? Let me tell you why python should be a great choice for the all the beginners

  • Its easy to read: python sintex is cream and very straight forward. It’s almost like reading plane English .For example if you want to print Hello world in python you just have to write : print(” hello world!”)
  • It’s versatile: python is used in web development, data science ,artificial intelligence ,game development and automate boring task in our daily life and even many more of the things . So it’s like the jack of all trades in the coding world.
  • It’s beginner friendly: python has a huge and very supportive community . If you get stuck ( and trust me, everyone does), there’s on a resources forums and tutorials to help you cut.

Getting Started: Setting Up Python

Alright, let’s roll up our sleeps and get python installed in our system. Don’t worry it is very easy.

  • Download Python: head over to Python.Org and download the latest version as per your operating system(Windows, Linux ,Mac).
  • Install Python: run the installer and makes sure to check the box that says ‘add python to path’. This makes it easier to run python from your common line or terminal .
  • Verify Installation : open your command line and run .
python -- version

If you see something like “python 3.x.x” you are good to go!

Your First Python Program: Hello, World!

Now that Python is installed, let’s write your first program. This is a tradition in the coding world—your “Hello, World!” moment.

  • Open a text editor (like Notepad, VS Code, or even your IDE if you’re feeling fancy).
  • Type the following:
print("Hello, World!")
  • Save the file as
  • Open your command line, navigate to the folder where you saved the file, and run:

If you see “Hello, World!” printed on your screen, congratulations! You’ve just written your first Python program. 🎉

What’s next?

This is just beginning. In the next block post will die DP into python basics: variable data types and how to make your code do more interesting things.

But for now take a moment to celebrate the small win. Learning to code is journey and every step counts .Don’t rush enjoy the process and remember even the most experienced programmer started with ” Hello world!”

A quick tip for beginners:
Is normal to feel stock or frustrated at times. That’s the part of learning process. When that happens take a deep breath, step away for a bit and come back with fresh eyes.

That’s it for today! If you have any question or just want to share your hello world moment, drop of a comment below. let’s learn python together one step at a time until next time happy coding!

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